The bio-resonance is an organic approach to health and I can assist any journey as a support to the healing process of detoxing,
losing weight
stop smoking
physiotherapy, psychotherapy,
strengthen immune system
stress -burn out
energy blocks
and more... to achieve a good state of wellness.
Do you ever hear yourself say:
I don't have energy
I feel exhausted.
I cannot sleep.
I am stressed.
I have a bad digestion.
My skin looks congested.
My back hurts.
And so much more...
Your body is talking to you.
The bio-resonance is an integrative alternative medicine.
It is a non-invasive practice based on quantum physics. It is used to help rebalance the frequencies of the body that can be distorted by food, drinks, chemicals, radiations and even our own thoughts and movements.
BIO-RESONANCE will help to re-balance the altered frequencies and together with you will work for your greatest wellness.
As Einstein said: "Everything is energy, you just need to match the frequencies"
That is exactly what the bioresonance does. It helps to re-balance energetic blockages, emotional, mental and physical.